Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bittersweet Goodbyes

Goodbyes are never easy. Especially not when you're doing it over multiple days. And now, on my last night in Cambridge, MA, I'm sitting here reflecting on it all. Definitively sad, but not remorseful of the decision I've made.

After a lot of thought, reflection, and discussions, I've decided to take a leave of absence from MIT Sloan. Making this decision definitely ranks up there in terms of difficult decisions I've had to make. While it was a tough dilemma, I was fortunate that the two paths I had to choose from were both excellent options.

I feel blessed to have had the chance these past few days to spend time with friends new and old. To have gotten a glimpse of what life as a second year Sloanie would've been like. And especially to be reminded of how amazing a group of people my classmates are.

What I'll miss most are the 25-50 pick-up basketball games I would've played at the Z-center, the dozen or more c-functions, mingling in e51's lobby, burgers at Miracle of Science, nights at the BHP, and random meals and outings. What I'll miss most are the people.