Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Before too much time passes, i want to capture some of my thoughts and memories from the just-passed Thanksgiving weekend.

Above all, it was great to spend time with my parents and sister. With all of us spread out all over the place and spending less and less time together, it is such a blessing to be able to all be together, even for a few days.

I hadn't ever thought much in particular about Thanksgiving. At least not until last week when Professor Freund mentioned how Thanksgiving is the one holiday that is unique to the U.S., and how it's a good time to be at home (as opposed to vacationing in some far-off land).

Aside from family, I was thankful for having had the chance to:
  • watch a Packers game with my dad
  • see good friends (Mar, Mike, Tyler, Henru)
  • get perspective and remember how fortunate I am to be a part of the MIT Sloan community (and the many challenges it provides)
While the weekend was relaxing and helped me re-center myself, just two days back at school has effectively kiboshed that, so back to HW i go!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Bball and Cristal

Just got back from an AWESOME evening watching the Celtics barely beating the Heat from a suite with 20+ classmates. Many thanks to Jimmy for making it happen! Yet another highlight for my first semester at Sloan. Our group was a bit of an anomaly since most of our classmates went to the Sloan Fall Ball. Although I had wanted to go to the Fall Ball, I'm definitely happy i went to the game instead.

i also got to taste Cristal for the first time... i like. :) i can't say that it's all that different from other champagne i've had, but hey--it's Cristal.

As for the game, it was great to see Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen leading the way for the Celts. Was also great to get to watch D-wade (my favorite player in the NBA) play live, and especially to see him play well after coming off of an injury. (Full disclosure: I was cheering quite a bit for Wade and Pierce since they're both on my fantasy team...)

Photos to come.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Lobster -- awesome!

Got to stuff myself and make my poor heart work hard last night scarfing down a 1.5 lb lobster. :D Props to Vince and Kevin for the great idea... definitely have to do it again. It was nice to eat lobster again, after having lobster three times my first few weeks up in Boston. We had quite a little feast with garlic bread, sparkling cider, and applie pie à la mode. The Bourne Identity was on TV so we caught that before calling it a night. Good times. (Pics to come.)