A nice birthday treat was getting to hear Clay Christensen speak. He's an HBS professor, and author of The Innovator's Dilemma, which I read just last year (and loved). In particular, he had a very interesting segment talking about a way to look at products. For the product, what job is it that I'm hiring it to do? That can help drive your decisions and get to the root of what consumers really are looking for.
On Wednesday I went to a session where I got to hear Tim Westergren speak. Tim is the founder of Pandora and is currently its Chief Strategy Officer. He had a great story to tell about his experiences (and big challenges) and what led him to make Pandora. I just signed up at Pandora and it's come a long way and looks and feels completely different than the early version I tried back in 2005.
Being tired from lots of traveling and readjusting to school, as well as having been fighting off a cold for the past week, I didn't really want to do anything for my b-day. But a couple good friends caught wind of this and so I ended up going out to a low-key dinner and then drinks afterward. It was about all the energy I had since I woke up this morning feeling a bit more sick. Alas, I had a good time, and hopefully I can be fully recovered by the end of the weekend. Many thanks to all who found their way out last night to spend time with me on my b-day, and to those (all over the world) who remembered and offered warm b-day wishes! :D
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